Thursday, February 27, 2014

Marine Turtles are underrated, Global warming and how we can help them!

Hello again blog-readers! This is our third post, and we are more than pleased that you guys are enjoying this blog! In this post, we will be blogging on Marine Turtles, and on how we can help them!
(One of the Olive Ridleys we released!)

Why should we care for Sea Turtles?

Marine turtle are actually quite rare, making tourists wanting to come to the Philippines to see them! They also make our country unique, and simply because they are God's beautiful creations! Sea turtles are an important part of the food chain, sharks eat them when they have hatched and moved to the ocean while dogs, raccoons, foxes, seabirds, etc. eat the eggs. Sadly, this has been endangering the sea turtles and is the reason why we have the PCC. (Pawikan Conservation Center)
(Thanks to for the food chain information!)

Global Warming, and how we can help Marine Turtles!

Global warming is the continuing rise in the average temperature of Earth's climate system. It's the increase of certain gases like carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Global warming extends the time for the eggs to hatch so they might come later than expected, which is bad for marine turtles. Global warming happens because of us humans. We litter and exploit nature's wonderful gifts however, every problem has a solution.

As students, we can help pick up trash in beaches and we can also volunteer to release hatchlings. We can also encourage the old enough nature lovers to join Pawikan-saving programs. Not only that but also, we should avoid littering ourselves and even start picking up pieces of litter. Each piece of litter we pick up can save another happy Pawikan!

The picture on the paragraph's left are the sea turtles racing to the ocean. It is instinctive, and is a beautiful thing to witness. We hope you guys think about saving these turtles, maybe even participate in Pawikan-Saving programs! Be sure to pick up any pieces of litter you see, especially in the beach! Anyways, we hope you enjoyed this semi-short post, and that you enjoy our next one! As they say in Italian culture, Ciao, miei amici.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Pawikan Conservation Center!

Hello once again readers! This will be our second post, and in this post we'll be having the juicy stuff! We will be telling you about the start of our Field Trip, and our first destination which is the Pawikan Conservation Center.

(We released the baby Olive Ridleys here!)

To be honest, we ourselves don't really know why we had this field trip. Probably because we were studying Biology, even though the Pawikan Conservation Center was only part of the field trip. However, we did know that we were going to have a lot of fun, and that Jinx will be abused when he tries to sleep. We also knew that this will be a fun learning experience, and that we'll be helping the environment! 

We came to this field trip not only because it was required but because we knew this would be a great learning experience! We knew we would have a lot of fun while learning, and that we would help the environment. Everyone in our group are nature-lovers, and we were more than excited when we were told that we would be cleaning up the beach and would be releasing sea turtles,the Lepidochelys olivacea or the Olive Ridley, to be exact.  (Thanks to wikipedia for more information on the Olive Ridley!)

(One of the baby Olive Ridleys we would release!)

We expected that our batch would have a safe trip coming and going, and that there would be good weather, as long as we prayed. And yes, majority of the batch prayed that everything would go well because of the excitement running inside us. Not only did we expect that, but also that everything would turn out well with the presence of our teachers and God. Lastly, it would be a lot of fun (Chaos) with my classmates.

Our Unique Answers: (How did it feel before the actual field trip?)

 "As usual, I felt very excited and I was sure we would have fun, especially me since I'm a nature-lover, and nature was all around me. But at the same time, I felt sad thinking that it would be our last field trip of the batch, but nevertheless, we managed to make most out of it!" - Pommy

      "I felt sleepy, but excited. Even though I did not sleep before the field trip, I was extremely hyped for the field trip. I do regret the fact that I didn't sleep, primarily because of the fact that TheGirlWhoWaited, Daisy and Emmet (Moselle, Bertie and Oni) would take pictures of me sleeping and slap me to wake up. Nevertheless, I was really happy and excited for it." - Jinx

      "As usual, I was hyped for this field trip and I was sure it would be really fun and full of pictures. Also, I thought that it would be our only one with the cool and funny Teacher Rye so it was a must-come! I felt happy because this trip was only for us 6th graders together with our lively teachers, but at the same time I felt blue knowing that this will probably be the last field trip of our batch while we're in TLT, but luckily, we were able to make the most out of it! I could say this was one of the best field trips ever!" - Daisy

      "Before I went to the Field Trip, I was so excited to release hatchlings and to have so much fun with my friends. Before I slept I prayed that the field trip will be the best field trip ever! It actually turned out so, because we had so much fun in the bus while traveling to the Pawikan Conservation Center and BNPP, (especially going back to school!). I could barely even sleep that night because I couldn't stop thinking of it. I was so nervous I might leave something important behind, but luckily I did not! I felt gloomy however this will be the last field trip in TLT. So, I had to make the most out of it!" - AIM

Pawikan Conservation Center

(The PCC sign when you enter!)

As mentioned a while ago, the Pawikan Conservation Center (PCC) is a center aiming to conserve marine turtles of the Philippines and avoid their extinctions in many ways. Not only that, but PCC also teaches people the way marine turtles live. We expected to learn more about the extinction of these exquisite marine turtles, and how we can avoid doing any damage or harmful acts to them, and to stop their extinction. Moreover, we expected to learn the lifestyle of the Pawikan.

(The turtles race towards the ocean!)

We learned a number of things in the PCC. Bataan is not the only place in the Philippines that has PCC, but also Tawi-Tawi and Zambales. Marine Turtles, who can age from 60-100 years old, and weigh from 50-600 kilos, can give birth to 1,000 eggs at once. All their activities happen at night. The newly hatched turtles go straight to the ocean; therefore, they're saltwater turtles. 64,000 baby marine turtles released in the wild only have a one or less percent of survival. Different turtles eat different food; however, they still have their enemies; crab, "bayawak", eagle, fish, people who get the eggs, frame, eyeglasses, bracelets, etc.

Marine turtles are important because they make our country unique, and most of all, they are God's creations. On the contrary, they are affected by us humans! How could this be? Littering and exploiting their environment are the main reasons why we are the ones causing their extinction. Fortunately, every problem has a solution! We as students can simply pick up litter, encourage others to join Pawikan-saving programs and avoid littering ourselves. Doing one of these actions can make a big difference.

One of the turtles that you can find here in the Philippines (And the one that we picked) is the "Green Turtle" (Chelonia mydas), who is part of the tribe "Chelonini". What's interesting about the Green Turtle is that it is the only species in the genus Chelonia; moreover, the common name comes from the usually green fat found beneath its carapace. This is one of Pommy's favorites because it interested him the most, and it looked the most familiar to him. He also loved the beautiful sea green color of its shell, and it looks cute. Adults are referred to as herbivores although as hatchlings they are omnivores. Their diet consists primarily of algae, seagrasses, and seaweed. Greens have a finely serrated (sawlike) beak that allows them to scrape algae off rocks and tear grasses and seaweeds. Only human beings and larger sharks, specifically the tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) feed on Green Turtles.

(The Green Sea Turtle)

Back at our field trip to the Pawikan Conservation Center, we mentioned a while ago that we released marine turtle hatchlings! We were allowed to name ours, so Pommy named his "Jessica" and "Vanessa", which won the race, Jinx named his "Rabbit", hoping it would win so he could say "My rabbit won the turtle race", Daisy named hers "Gigi" based on a fellow batch mate, and AIM named hers "Wasabi" because it's color looked like the color of wasabi.

Thank you for reading our blog! Hopefully, you learned a thing or two from this, and that you would help in saving marine turtles! Adios, mi Amigos!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The blog-venture begins!

You may be asking yourselves, why did we call this blog "ThermoSciBloga"? It's a reference to an event that happened during the experience we will tell you throughout our Science Journal, so keep reading!

This blog was made by four 6th graders for their 4th Quarter CEO in Science. They did this to show everyone that the subject itself and Science field trips could actually be fun and exciting. They will show what they learned and their experiences in the 6th graders' field trip to the Pawikan Conservation Center and the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP). In addition, a lot of things that happened in the bus and beach will also be in this blog, like our "selfie marathon". After reading our entries and looking at our pictures and videos, you would be able to imagine how blessed the country is to have these kind of places, and surely, you'd want to go there. So get ready for the blog of your life!

These 6th graders are to be known as Jinx, Pommy, Daisy and AIM!

Pommy, the Star

Hey! You can call me Pommy. Im a graduating student from my friends' and my school, The Learning Tree Child Growth Center or TLTCGC. I'm an extrovert, interpersonal, and fun kind of person. Im not the person who stays indoors and plays computer or surfs the internet, unless I can have a nice cup of hot chocolate with the cool breeze of rain pouring outside while reading a good book. I'm an outdoor person, who loves going on adventures and plays games! In class, I'm known as the one who desires to always be the Star in everything, owning the stage and stealing the limelight from everyone. Therefore, I love performing theatre, which is what I will pursue in life as my career. 

To be honest, I joined this blog because it was required for our CEO for Science class. However, I've always wanted to make a blog, and now is my chance. Even better, I get to make one with my friends: Jinx, Daisy, and AIM! 

Science. The subject I've always dreaded for since the day my 1st Grade teacher taught my class about it. A million terms, processes, facts, names, and whatnot! I wasn't even fond of this subject, unlike the smart ones who even dream of one day being a scientist. On the contrary, as the years went by, I've reinvented the way I look at this hell-of-a subject. I learned things I never knew or thought about which eventually became interesting to me. I learned a number of the branches of science, which very much gives me fat knowledge. Personally, my favorite branch of Science is Geology because I love nature; moreover, it seems like I'm exploring the world just learning about it, in which exploring is one of my hobbies. Several events, activities, and projects are held in Science in our school; what adds to the fun is our irreplaceable Science teacher, The Urban Guru. Science Week, Quiz Tree, Editorial Writing Contest, Poem Writing Contest, Slogan Making Contest, Investigatory Project, ThermoSci Dama, and many more are the suspenseful events that happen in Science. I'm truly grateful for Science because of how it keeps us alive in its ways, and the awesome things I have learned from it.

Daisy, the Dreamer

I am "Daisy", a student from 6-Almaciga. I am sometimes really noisy and talkative but I try to keep quiet most of the time. I enjoy English, PE, Science and Math at times. I've been in Teacher Rye's Science class since 5th grade but sadly, this will be my last. Science class is always funny because of Teacher Rye's jokes. It's also fun because Teacher uses PowerPoints, and not the usual whiteboard and marker. So there are lots of pictures and videos during lectures. An example is the short clip with Chewy for our field trip to the Pawikan Conservation Center and BNPP, which we will write about in this blog. I was never actually good in Science but since Teacher adds all the little facts and information to the power points, they make it easier to understand our lessons. So thank you Teacher Rye for taking lots of your time to prepare our hand outs, lessons, activities, and tests! Also, we hope you like our blog!

Jinx, the Crazed

I am Jinx, who is more or less, a well-rounded student. At times, I can be extremely annoying, loud and obnoxious, but you'll eventually learn to love me, especially if I've been with you for 3 years. I often see's myself good in academics, yet my grades never say the same nevertheless, I enjoy discussions in Science, Math, History and a lot others. My favorite branch in Science is astronomy, as the Universe and space always keeps me thinking. I believe that we are not the only ones in this Universe; that there has to be someone else out there. I can write well, despite by the fact that my handwriting can be compared to a 2nd Grader's, and I seek to always learn more. I also often have deep conversations with friends, which probably explains why I like astronomy. I currently am the Damath champion, and God of the Year. Teacher Rye has the discussions that interest me the most, second being History. The effort he puts on making PowerPoints, handouts and summarizing everything so minds like mine can understand, is quite outstanding. I appreciate the work Teacher Rye put's on his lessons and discussions. I hope you find something interesting in our blog, and that you'll learn something from it!

AIM, the Agent

I am “Aim”, a 6th grade student from Teacher Rye’s Science Class. Teacher Rye has been my teacher since I was 5th grade. I enjoy being in Teacher Rye’s class because of all the fun and jokes we make in class. Teacher Rye teaches all of us students very well. I like doing fun things. I also enjoy being a student of TLT because of all the fun activities and fieldtrips such as our fieldtrip to the Pawikan Center and BNPP. I joined in making this blog so we could talk about what happened in the fieldtrip to the Pawikan Center and BNPP, but not only that but the fun we had in the bus. I don’t really have any awards from Science, or even have the highest grade in class. Although, I got 2nd from an activity we did last quarter we did which was really fun. So please check our blog, we hope you like it!

We hope you enjoy our little corner in the internet, and that you get to learn a thing or two from us! Happy reading!