Thursday, February 27, 2014

Marine Turtles are underrated, Global warming and how we can help them!

Hello again blog-readers! This is our third post, and we are more than pleased that you guys are enjoying this blog! In this post, we will be blogging on Marine Turtles, and on how we can help them!
(One of the Olive Ridleys we released!)

Why should we care for Sea Turtles?

Marine turtle are actually quite rare, making tourists wanting to come to the Philippines to see them! They also make our country unique, and simply because they are God's beautiful creations! Sea turtles are an important part of the food chain, sharks eat them when they have hatched and moved to the ocean while dogs, raccoons, foxes, seabirds, etc. eat the eggs. Sadly, this has been endangering the sea turtles and is the reason why we have the PCC. (Pawikan Conservation Center)
(Thanks to for the food chain information!)

Global Warming, and how we can help Marine Turtles!

Global warming is the continuing rise in the average temperature of Earth's climate system. It's the increase of certain gases like carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Global warming extends the time for the eggs to hatch so they might come later than expected, which is bad for marine turtles. Global warming happens because of us humans. We litter and exploit nature's wonderful gifts however, every problem has a solution.

As students, we can help pick up trash in beaches and we can also volunteer to release hatchlings. We can also encourage the old enough nature lovers to join Pawikan-saving programs. Not only that but also, we should avoid littering ourselves and even start picking up pieces of litter. Each piece of litter we pick up can save another happy Pawikan!

The picture on the paragraph's left are the sea turtles racing to the ocean. It is instinctive, and is a beautiful thing to witness. We hope you guys think about saving these turtles, maybe even participate in Pawikan-Saving programs! Be sure to pick up any pieces of litter you see, especially in the beach! Anyways, we hope you enjoyed this semi-short post, and that you enjoy our next one! As they say in Italian culture, Ciao, miei amici.


  1. Hi ThermoSciBloga!!! Great post, I enjoyed reading it. The colors you used were pleasing to the eyes. It was both simple but creative. Moreover here is your grade:
    Content - 9/10
    Coherence - 5/5
    Creativity - 4/5
    Voice - 5/5
    Mechanics - 5/5
    Text Layout - 5/5
    Graphics & Multimedia - 4/5
    Intellectual Honesty - 5/5
    TOTAL: 42/45

  2. Here is your score:

    Content - 9/10
    Coherence - 5/5
    Creativity - 4/5
    Voice - 5/5
    Mechanics - 4/5
    Text Layout - 5/5
    Graphics & Multimedia - 5/5
    Intellectual Honesty - 4/5
    Comments - 10/10
    Peer - 42/45

    TOTAL: 93/100

    Short but still sweet as it is. Nevertheless, you could have expounded on how global warming affect marine turtles. Also, I got lost in the statement "we should avoid littering ourselves." Please mention also the owner of your pictures. Til the next post!
